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Break Fix Release (April 8th, 2024)

The workflow for fixed repeat sub-batching is having issues and a break-fix release is required to resolve them. We apologize for any inconvenience.


See the release notes for further details.



Welcome to ControlPro v3.2!

Along with numerous bugs fixes and small/medium enhancements, the new version of ControlPro comes with a few big-ticket enhancements. Below is a bulleted list of the big-ticket items, followed by a descriptions and examples of selected features. For a full list of enhancements and bug fixes, see the release notes.


If you have any questions, concerns, or encounter any bugs, please reach out to us from ControlPro’s Help menu or directly through phone or email:


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ICS Help Desk: (260) 480-1340

ICS ControlPro Support: softwaresupport@murrayequipment.com

ICS HMI/Controls Support: techservices@murrayequipment.com


Here’s a quick video on what’s new in ControlPro v3.2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH-McX6jaHE


Big ticket items

·         Ticket dispatching.

o   Configure dispatches to pre-assign equipment & drivers to tickets.

o   Fully integrated into unattended workflows.

o   Email or text dispatch barcodes to drivers and let them scan themselves in without manual data entry.

§  Requires an onsite barcode scanner.

·         Ticket archiving.

o   Tickets can now be archived instead of purged.

o   Archived tickets maintain a historical record but do not affect live tickets or components.

·         Mix Groups v2 & reworked batching/sub-batching.

o   VRT is now called MMG (Multiple Mix Groups)

o   MMG tickets with different ratios but the same materials can now be batched.

o   Added a “Ignore Blend Ratio” batch option.

§  Batch requested amounts are now modifiable.

o   Added “Ignore Mixer Capacity” option for dry wholesale loading.

o   Reworked sub-batch options panel layout and underlying logic.

o   Reworked the primary/secondary system workflows.

o   See documentation for a full explanation of the new workflow.

·         Implementing load adjusting to allow users to adjust completed loads.

o   Types:

§  Transfer: moves a percentage of the load to another applicable ticket.

§  Refund: refunds a percentage of the load.

§  Abort: creates a new abort ticket and transfers 100% of the load to the new ticket.

o   Adjusting a load will flag the ticket as non-exportable if it has already sent information to a 3rd party originator.

o   Material store amounts will be adjusted appropriately.

·         Unattended truck scale workflow.

o   Expanded ControlPro support for truck scale workflows.

·         ControlPro Companion App (CP CA).

o   Unattended truck scale workflow

o   Read-only truck scale display

o   Driver signature capture workflow

o   System batch details display

·         Locally accessible web pages.

o   Load List – for use with unattended scales.

o   Batch Details – for use as a mix ticket substitute.

·         Component Managers option for originators.

o   Allows an instance of ControlPro to operate as a disconnected ERP.

o   Supports both file share and FTPS.

·         Adding Zen Desk customer support.

o   Access the ControlPro, HMI, and controls knowledge base.

o   Open online helpdesk tickets.

o   Ask out AI chatbot questions.



Ticket Dispatching

Dispatches can be created on tickets for a specific amount, driver, equipment, consignee point, and/or system; in almost any combination. You can even specify an expected arrival time (XAT). Similar to bills of lading, once created, CP will generate a configurable email with the details to desired recipients.

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Dispatches can be selected on the System Details screen to pre-load all the specified details. They can also be drag-&-dropped from a Dispatch Search screen or Ticket Details screen similar to tickets themselves. Dispatch components also come with their own reporting tools as well.

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Dispatches can be used as part of unattended validation as either a means of increased security with one more field to validate correctly, or to expedite data entry and auto-fill all other fields if security is a non-issue.

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Ticket Archiving

Don’t want to purge previous year’s tickets for accountability reasons? You can now archive them! Archived tickets have their data compressed into a simple screen and lose their audit history. The Ticket Search screen can be used to look for both live and archived tickets. All ticket report tags are still supported, so existing ticket report templates do not need to be updated.

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New Batching, Sub-Batching, and Multiple Mix Group (MMG) Controls and Workflows

The Batch tab on the System Details screen has been streamlined and redesigned. Sub-batching options are laid out more ergonomically. Sub-batch and batch amounts are calculated more intuitively, especially when utilizing MMGs and secondary systems. Additionally, three buttons have been placed under both the Tickets and Batch Materials grids to better default batch sizes and batch material amounts.


For a complete walkthrough of the functionality, see the ControlPro documentation: https://murrayequipment.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/20001675400599-ControlPro-Batching-and-Sub-batching-Logic


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Load Adjusting

Completed loads can be adjusted from the Ticket Details screen, Loads tab. Select the desired load to adjust and the three adjustment buttons below the grid will become enabled.

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ControlPro Companion App (CP CA)

Introducing the new ControlPro Companion App! The CP CA can be used to augment existing workflows or support new ones. The CP CA is designed to run on a normal or touchscreen monitor built into a dedicated panel located where it’s needed. Currently, the CP CA supports four configurations.


Read-Only Truck Scale Display

This configuration is a streamlined version of the truck scale support introduced in ControlPro v3.1. It displays information to the driver as they are scaling in or out. A CP user can either capture the weights manually, or RFID tags can be attached to the equipment to capture weights automatically.

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Unattended Truck Scale Workflow

ControlPro v3.2 now supports an “unattended truck scale” workflow. Drivers can validate their loads at the scale, similar to how they validate themselves at an unattended loadout. The validated ticket is then assigned to the configured system for loadout. When the load is completed, the driver scales out and signs their bill of lading on the screen.

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Driver Signature Capture Workflow

The CP CA can be used to capture driver signatures. This is useful if the loadout operator is not in the same vicinity as the drivers.

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System Batch Details Display

This is an alternative to printing a mix ticket or using a System Display screen. This configuration shows what materials are in the current batch as well as some ticket data.

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Locally Accessible Web Pages

ControlPro can now generate web pages that are accessible inside your corporate firewall. There is no need to manage these with an Apache server or IIS unless you want to. Note: if no Apache server or IIS is in use, there are a few hoops you have to jump through to view these pages on a mobile device.


Load List

This is for use with the unattended truck scales workflow. If the “manual system” in use with the scale is just a concrete pad with a loader operator, the operator doesn’t need their own computer. They can track the current tickets on their phone or mobile device.

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Batch Details

This is yet one more alternative to printing a mix ticket. The page displays ticket, batch, and material information.

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Component Managers Option for Originators

This feature will allow an instance of ControlPro to operate as a disconnected ERP/agronomy package and feed ticket/order information to other instances of ControlPro just like any other 3rd party originator.


Introducing Zen Desk!




We’ve developed a Knowledgebase to assist customers who need self-directed training.  It contains articles covering everything from ControlPro to electrical engineering.  Be sure to check it out periodically as we will continue to add more documentation and update current documentation after new version releases.


Online Ticket Submission Form



You can now request support over the web.  Customers can submit support tickets and communicate with the technicians and engineers by replying to the confirmation email.  Any updates to the support ticket will be sent to the requestor via email.


AI Chatbot

We’ve developed an AI chatbot to assist current and prospective customers.  It’s available on the Murray Equipment website and Knowledgebase.  You can interact with the chatbot by clicking on the blue chat bubble at the bottom left of the website.  If you can’t find what you need, you can ask the bot to speak to a human and submit a support request through the bot.  The end user can chat directly with an available technician or engineer.

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Consolidated ControlPro Documentation

Have questions on anything related to ControlPro? Want to go a little deeper than the YouTube videos? Check out ControlPro’s new Documentation menu.

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How to Get System Mix Tickets?

ControlPro now has 7 mechanisms for distributing mix tickets & hand-add amounts to operators, outside of viewing the batch details inside ControlPro itself:

·         Printing

·         Emailing

·         Texting

·         System Display screen

·         Companion App

·         Batch Details web page

·         HMI/controls feedback


Release Notes


11:35 (EDT) Monday, April 8th, 2024 – CP v3.2.6.39

ControlPro fixes:

·         Fixed issue with system ticket batch requested amount being modified during the fixed repeat sub-batch completion logic.

·         Fixed issue with ControlPro locking up while encountering an error during sub-batch completion logic.

·         Better protecting the CPR against the application shutting down, or the last time the CPR restarted the heartbeat.


08:00 (EDT) Monday, April 8th, 2024 – CP v3.2.6.38

ControlPro enhancements:

·         Added explicit global “Ticket Expirer” originator to prevent tickets from being expired by out-of-date CPs.

o   This will default to the “Ticket Archiver” originator.

·         Added a system option to not recalculate remote request batch sizes.

·         Added options for viewing the EULA as a PDF.

·         Added Macola 10 interface type.

·         Added more logging to application startup, heartbeat, and CPR workflows.

·         Adding KPIs (key performance indicators) to better help diagnose application unresponsiveness.

o   Database read.

o   Database write.

o   Memory allocation.

o   Windows rendering.

o   Interface imports.

o   Interface exports.

o   CHub component communication.

·         Renamed the “Components” tab on the Local Settings screen to “KPIs”.

·         User clicks on the “Yes” button on the “Purge Components” confirmation dialog will now explicitly be logged in the application log.

·         Better labeling combo boxes on printing controls.


ControlPro fixes:

·         Batching fixes:

o   Better protecting ticket blend matching validation from tickets being switched out on the System Details screen.

o   Fixed rounding error in Fixed Repeat logic.

o   Fixed an issue that was causing load materials to be created with “NaN” amounts.

o   Setting system ticket batch pounds while batch limiting now propagates through the rest of the system ticket's properties.

o   Adding failsafe validation to catch an internal error when system ticket summed amounts don’t match the batch total amount.

o   Pulling the correct UoM for load material requested amount when completing a batch.

o   Fixed an issue where "Remaining By Materials" wasn't recognizing aliases.

o   Fixed an issue where 0 requested automated material amounts caused NaN to appear as on the Ticket Details materials grid.

o   Fixing an issue with limiting the batch size to the maximum allowable equipment net weight.

o   Fixing a calculation issue with very large tickets with 1 acre.

o   Allowing system tickets to recalculate their batch amounts while limiting the system batch size from a system ticket modification.

·         Interfacing fixes:

o   Protecting archived tickets against exporting workflow from a Ticket Search.

o   Putting all CPI export queuing logic on background threads.

o   Fixed an issue that was allowing interface ticket update failures to not revert the existing ticket.

·         CPR fixes:

o   Fixed an issue where the CRP was not resting the heartbeat correctly.

o   CPR now kills any in-process heartbeat before creating a new one.

·         CHubs that violate the global instance mutex no longer continuously auto-restart.

·         Heartbeat fixes:

o   Cleaning up heartbeat workflow logic.

o   Adding more heartbeat tooltip logging.

o   Adding a 5-minute exception delay for broken import and export paths.

o   Clicking on the heartbeat indicator on the Settings screen now manually fires the heartbeat.

·         Justification fixes:

o   Fixed an issue with archived tickets.

o   Fixed an issue with ‘ignore-blend ratio’ loads.

o   Don't justify audits on non-audited components (archived tickets).

·         Fixing Zen Desk article links:

o   Print Template Documentation.

o   Quick Reference Guide.

·         Unattended systems:

o   Clearing an unattended system now clears and resets all assigned tickets.

o   Unattended default batch setting buttons now limit the batch after setting the ticket amount.

·         Deleted material ingredients no longer fail to justify with the CHub.

·         Don't try to update materials from interfaces if the material is actively processing. (This generates random popups.)

·         Don't try and read configured PLC values when in Simulation mode.

·         Adding database initialization failed logic and popup.

·         Better protecting ticket blend matching validation from tickets being switched out on the System Details screen.

·         Fixed an issue that was allowing interface ticket update failures to not revert the existing ticket.


08:00 (EDT) Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 – CP v3.2.6.27

ControlPro enhancements:

·         Settings screen:

o   Making Multi-Ticket Batch Precision field a drop down.

o   Making Template Decimal Precision field a drop down.


ControlPro fixes:

·         Multi-ticket batching:

o   Corectly taking ticket requested amounts into consideration when splitting up batch material amounts into ticket material amounts during multi-ticket batching.

o   Correctly considering mixed aggregates and ingredients.

·         Fixing scale tag types for CompactLogix.

·         Fixing SQL issues with searching for archived tickets.

·         When validating batch ticket blend ratios, don't clear the manual tare weight if an equipment is assigned to the batch.

·         Fixing an issue that was causing Central Hubs to not auto-restart after encountering database connectivity issues.

·         Fixing multi-ticket batch precision logic.

·         Fixing some incorrect tags in default BoL examples.

·         Fixing issues with delivered material amounts at batch completion.

·         The CPR safety logic now detects when the computer has woken up from hibernation/sleep and doesn't recreate the heartbeat if it's unnecessary.

·         Batches now apply the final step of delivered amounts to ticket materials visualization.

·         Migrating existing transaction report criteria to new “Transaction Type” values.

·         Minor updates to application, database, and heartbeat logs to better help us troubleshoot issues.

·         Fixing issues with load ID generation.

·         Protecting against an “insufficient memory” crash.

·         CPR restarts are now emailed to MEI.


08:00 (EST) Monday, February 19th, 2024 – CP v3.2.6.17

ControlPro fixes:

·         Fixing the “Don’t Distribute Empty Reports” option.

·         Fixing alias material propagation crash bug.

·         Fixing scale PLC output tags for lights and placards.

·         Fixing SQL issue with material reports using delivered loads.

·         Remote requests now properly limit tickets to remaining amount.

·         Fixing available store amount criteria on Material Searches.

·         Caching the desktop ControlPro shortcut in C:\Murray\ControlPro

·         Fixing desktop icon path.

·         Protecting against dropping components on windows without underlying views.

·         Attempt to resolve the “Defer Refresh” error when double clicking data grids.


08:00 (EST) Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 – CP v3.2.6.15

ControlPro fixes:

·         Adding a new thread-safe queue for CPI exports.

·         Batch completion now correctly ignores billing-only materials.

·         Better protecting abort batch workflow from odd states where batches don't have tickets.

·         Don't limit batch size while aborting batches.

·         Fixing an issue with normal systems with totalizers not enabling the Complete button.

·         Protecting against a Windows error when force closing a window.


08:00 (EST) Monday, February 12th, 2024 – CP v3.2.6.13 & CP(CA) v1.0.2.2

ControlPro fixes:

·         Adding backwards compatibility to pre-existing load report criteria.

·         Don't clear out the unattended ticket information when exiting the Unattended Systems Screen.

·         Fixing issues with signature capture:

o   Auto-fill signature was clearing out the driver's signature when it was saved.

o   Drivers are now required to sign when prompted.

o   Added gray shading to clearly differentiating between an auto-filled signature and an editable signature.

o   Adding a Reset button to re-load an auto-filled signature.

·         Better fixing batch restoration.

·         Adding explicit null protection against tickets not being assigned to a system when calculating batch materials details.

·         Logging search criteria deserialization errors.

·         Better handling of caching the desktop icon.


08:00 (EST) Wednesday, February 8th, 2024 – CP v3.2.6.12

ControlPro enhancements:

·         Hiding unused fields instead of disabling them on the Unattended Systems screen.


ControlPro fixes:

·         Removing tickets from the Simple Systems screen now properly clears the batch materials.

·         Better showing errors when creating necessary files at startup.

·         Fixing in-process batch restoration after a ControlPro shutdown/crash.

·         The sub-batch count now properly calculates when adjusting the fixed-repeat count.


08:00 (EST) Wednesday, February 7th, 2024 – CP v3.2.6.11 & CP(CA) v1.0.2.1

ControlPro enhancements:

·         Updates for NTEP truck scale certification:

o   Adding “Was Manual Tare Weight” flag to the equipment.

o   Hooking up manual weight capture workflow to load and load equipment.

o   Adding an NTEP compliance summary to load tags.

o   Adding scale tracking to loads.

o   Manual totalizer amounts are now recognized as load NTEP.

o   Adding over/under capacities and breaks to scales & systems.

o   Added explicit tracking of simulated loads.

o   Adding tags to loads and load materials for delivered amounts in their NTEP precision units.

·         Optionally defaulting gross weight after processing on manual scale-systems.

·         Added mix group count to Ticket Search results.

·         Adding tags ticket density: tons/gallon and tons/cubic-foot.

·         Changing VRT (Variable Rate Technology) to MMG (Multiple Mix Groups).

·         Defaulting new interface materials to NotSpecified.

·         Mix Groups v2 & batching:

o   MMG tickets with different ratios but the same materials can now be batched.

o   Added a “Ignore Blend Ratio” batch option.

§  Batch requested amounts are now modifiable.

o   Added a “Ignore Mixer Capacity” option. (Needs reworked.)

o   Added a “Remaining Batch (by Materials)” button.

o   Adding batch resetting options to the Sub-Batch tab.

o   Cleaning up the batch and sub-batch options panel.

o   Sub-batch amount detail now disables instead of collapses when not sub-batching.

o   Updated System Display screen.

·         Dispatch emails:

o   Adding a white border to barcode images.

o   Attaching barcode images to dispatch emails separately.

o   Added new default templates.

·         Added "Read Fixed Repeat Count" option.

·         Added "Remote Requests Use Best Match ID Lookup" option.

·         Refactoring batch and sub-batch limiting logic.

·         Updated Simple Systems screen.

·         Updated Help menu items wording.

·         Renaming date picket "Month" to be "D of M" for "Day of Month".

·         Replacing batch tab header counts with an icon.

·         Primary & secondary systems now show all the materials in the batch.

·         Dropping tickets, dispatches, and loads on systems now properly selects the dropped component in the grid.

·         Adding requested and remaining amounts to System Details, Ticket Load Search, and Ticket Details.

·         Radio buttons and checkboxes now fully gray out when disabled.

·         Organizing system checkbox options.

·         Updated template documentation

·         Updating EULA and EULA workflow.

·         Creating a Documents menu item.

o   Adding Zendesk documentation links.

·         Renaming material type to Physical State.

·         New application settings:

o   "Use 'Super' Simple Systems" for a cleaned up Simple System experience. (Default enabled)

o   "Auto-Correct Transaction for [Simulated] Deliveries" for material store corrections.

·         Implementing load adjusting to allow users to adjust completed loads.

o   Types:

§  Transfer: moves a percentage of the load to another applicable ticket.

§  Refund: refunds a percentage of the load.

§  Abort: creates a new abort ticket and transfers 100% of the load to the new ticket.

o   Adjusting a load will flag the ticket as non-exportable if it has already sent information to a 3rd party originator.

·         Extra logging:

o   The current username at startup.

o   New load creation summary in addition to load ID.

·         If "Don't Process Hand-Adds" is enabled, hand-add materials still show up, they are just not in the batch.

·         Adding tags for ticket and load parties and equipment for UID.

·         Adding a percent complete bar to…

o   Load materials sub-grid on Loads tab on Ticket Details screen.

o   Load grid and load materials sub-grid on Load Search screen.

·         Auto-restarting after database crashes.

·         Added CP instance unique identifier code to log time stamps.

·         Print templates: (See documentation.)

o   Print template ID tags with an asterisk (*) are now removed when populating the template.

o   Print templates containing a special "{\n}" tag are now treated as text message templates. All formatting is removed.

·         Dumping the heartbeat tooltip to the log when CPR restarts the heartbeat.

·         Renaming ticket columns on the System Details screen and the field headers on the Simple Systems screen to "Requested [...]".

·         Systems now consider a valid batch as "Workflow Active" for ignoring updates from justification.

·         Systems no longer update the CHub when configuring a batch when part of justification.

·         Removing default email address and SMTP client.

·         Enabling emails for system mix tickets & system ticket summaries.

·         Load delivery printing:

o   Printing on batch completion is now in the background.

o   Is now audited.

·         Purging component actions are now logged in a dedicated directory.

·         Adding a feature to disallow non-Murray Admin ticket purging. (Default: disallowed)

·         ControlPro Interfaces:

o   Renaming "ControlPro" and "BasicCSV" interfaces to "CPI" and "CP_CSV" respectively.

o   Moving CPI and CP_CSV to the top of the list.

o   Creating CP_XML interface type.

·         Cleaning up Originators tab on the Settings screen.

·         The Originator tab on Settings screen now has an explicit button for new originators.

·         Creating a "Component Manager" originator type.

o   CP is treated as a stand-alone ERP that interfaces with other CP instances like any other ERP.

o   Adding a Managed Component Creation Wizard.

o   Requires CP_XML interface type.

·         Moving the Export button on Ticket Details from the Details tab to the main bottom button bar.

·         New originators default to 3rd party.

·         Network log lines now include fractions of seconds.

·         Adding dark red circle x-marks to the Unattended System controls.

·         Density now goes out to 5 decimals of precision.

·         CPI originators can now forward exports.

·         Reworking Home screen.

·         Interfaces can now reopen canceled and expired tickets.

·         Reopening a ticket clears out the Expires field.

·         All API and FTP originator types will auto-create interface folders.

·         Added the option to assign a consignee point to batches. (Similar to equipment and a driver.)

·         Create aggregate materials from recipes, and vice versa.

·         Reports: add option to not export empty reports.

·         Tickets can now be archived.

o   Archived tickets are disconnected from active components and take up less space in the database.

o   The Ticket Search screen can be used to search for both Live and Archived tickets.

o   Existing reports should work with archived tickets without issue.

o   Archived tickets can still be purged permanently.

o   Ticket archiving ability is limited to a single instance, similar to transaction archiving.

·         Added background colors to the Unattended Systems screen.

·         Audit driver and equipment assignment on systems.

·         Creating a new startup link and workflow.

o   For instances that need to run As administrator, this can be configured on the desktop shortcut.

·         Forcing app shutdown will no longer restart app.

·         Adding simple hosted webpages:

o   Load List – for use with unattended scales.

o   Batch Details – for use as a mix ticket substitute.

o   Access documentation: https://download.controlpro.online/applications/controlpro/Documentation/AccessingControlProWebPages.htm

·         Added equipment & driver dispatching.

·         Grid changes:

o   Holding the Alt key will now bypass editability.

o   Conditionally editable cells will now navigate if they are non-editable.

o   Most grids have been converted to be multi-row to save horizontal real estate.

·         Introducing the ControlPro Companion App (CA):

·         Adding the last 5 errors to Scale Details; similar to System Details.

·         Adding configurable density UoM codes to EFC v2 interface type.


ControlPro fixes:

·         Only allowing batch completion if scale net/totalizer amount matches the total delivered amount.

·         Fixing an issue where applying a manual scale net/totalizer amount that set all automated materials to 0.00 sub-batch delivered amounts would stop recalculating further delivered amounts.

·         Preventing scales from completing loads with negative automated material amounts.

·         Fixing issue where scales were completing loads with NTEP precisions on both the load and the load materials.

·         When reading children in from the database, order the records by created date.

·         Ignore system-ticket assignments when validating materials during justification.

·         Systems with Any mix type will no longer validate equipment container type.

·         Dispatches can now work with systems of Any type.

·         Fixing some Component Manager validations.

·         Don't do daily restart if CP is doing something.

·         Dispatches can now be added to tickets with non-modifiable components.

·         Fixing issues with sub-batch size limiting.

·         Systems no longer go Offline when completing batches.

·         Multiple fixes to batch amount logic.

·         Fixing dispatch email wording.

·         Explicitly protecting multiple MG tickets from being requested remotely.

·         Auto-completing batches with print templates that complete the ticket(s) now audit correctly.

·         The Complete button is only enabled if all sub-batch delivered amounts are non-negative.

·         Hiding the Purge button on search screens in CHubs.

·         Fixing logic to prevent CHubs from purging components that might still be in use somewhere.

·         Mult-ticket batching disables NTEP precision.

·         Fixed a crash issue when editing the ID field of the blank row of a grid.

·         Fixed an issue where mix group utilization on tickets were being improperly validated when materials were deleted.

·         Fixing an issue where if an aggregate didn't have a store, its ingredients would not have transactions created.

·         User Input popups now gray out CP screens like other modal popups.

·         Fixed an issue where modified delivered load material amounts were not propagating to other instances of CP.

·         Fixing issues with in-process load batches on secondary systems:

o   Correctly calculating total batch amount.

o   Any unassigned/inactive automated ingredient materials now show up in the Batch Materials grid correctly.

o   Previously delivered amounts from the primary system are now displayed.

o   Any material with a previously delivered amount is no longer considered to be in the batch.

o   Materials not in the batch no longer [re]calculate their delivered amounts or NTEP precision on the load.

o   Load complete percentage green bar on Ticket Details works again.

·         Fixing issue where load IDs get burned from justification.

o   Adding extra logging for diagnostics.

·         Protecting against transaction rollback failure after CP has shut down.

·         The visibility of the Purge buttons on Ticket Details and Ticket Search screens are now dynamic to role changes.

·         Added some database stability fixes.

·         Added extra database error logging.

·         Fixing issues where modifying material or system material fields were not updating batch material delivered & remaining amounts.

·         Fixing issue where the Ticket and System details screens would stay grayed out if the batch completion failed.

·         PLC interaction:

o   Fixing issues with loss of control automatic batch completion.

o   Better recognizing MicroLogix clearing as completing.

o   Fixing issues with MicroLogix hanging when cleared from the PLC.

·         Fixing an edge-case issue with reading the wrong “this instance” originator from the database.

·         Adding various null protections to child grids.

·         Correctly matching up originator components while justifying.

·         Reports always purge (even on the CHub).

·         Load delivery printing:

o   Better checking for if a template actually needs filling.

o   Fixing issue where auditing was not being saved to the database.

·         Ensuring button/icon click & mouse up events are only allowed if they correspond to the initiating mouse down event.

·         Icons in tab headers no longer cause the header to be extra tall.

·         Export and forward buttons are only enabled when ticket is not changed.

·         Pressing the Tab key on searchable fields will execute the search and move the focus to the next element.

·         CPI exports are now queued up. (Fix for tickets not staying closed.)

·         Cleaning up unattended validation logic.

·         Ticket Search correctly displays completed green bar again.

·         Don't re-audit batch components when restoring batch.

·         AgGateway fixes:

o   Uses correct agency on exports.

o   Uses the correct values for ticket amount exports.

o   Protecting import validation from previous import failures.

o   Better handling of null physical states.

·         Some fixes to CHub justification logic.

·         Modal search grids are no longer editable and double clicking works for all cells.

·         Don't attempt NTEP conversion on new database. (New installation SQL issues.)

·         Store delivered units are now independent, so that material units can be modified without issue.

·         Fixing auto-restart issue with CHub.

·         System batch drivers must now be driver types.

·         Systems no longer clear out batch children when switching between tickets.

·         Fixing system tickets line items and completion bars.